Today is that day. It is that day, but only if you want it to be.
Today can be the difference maker.
It can be the day you look back on 30 days from now, 5 years from now, or never.
How will you remember it? What will you remember it for?
Will you see it as that day that you got serious about your dreams?
The day that you were first proactive in actually making them happen?
The day that you determined that 'death alone' would stop you from reaching
what had been unattainable up until now?
Make today that day.
Set in motion a force so powerful that even 'luck' stands aside.
Let today be the day that persistence became your best friend.
Make today the day when excuses left your life for good.
Make today the day that you stop blaming others for where you are.
Make today that day.
Today is that day.
Live it LOUD!